Friday, March 13, 2009

Middle Eastern States

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict's origins can date back to World War 1. As the end of World War 1 approached, the League of Nations made an agreement with Arab states and the Ottoman Empire. This was called the Sykes-Picots agreement. This agreement, however, was broken within the next year. On November 2nd 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed, giving Jewish support for their own land, and that land was Palestine. Zionist movements soon occurred, bringing Jews to their holy land in Jerusalem. Later, the League of Nations mandated Palestine, establishing Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Riots began from the Palestinians and battles began. Through terrorism and death, the land is still being fought over today.
To solve this conflict, the Palestinian/Israeli state needs to be split in half, the border running through Jerusalem. This would give each of the sides their holy land to worship. Also, each side will have an equal amount of water ways to work with. If this sets even more problems, the United Nations should ask each unbiased country (ie. not U.S or not any Arab state) what should be done in order to stop these states from fighting.